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Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hossieni

The world of Afghanistani women from beind the burka is the subject of this very fine book by
the author of the best-selling Kite Runner. Set after the Russians have left Afghanistan the novel explores the lives of two women who have the misfortune of marrying Rashid a cruel man.
Miriam, 15, the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy man is forced into marrying Rashid a man of 40. He demands that she wear a burka and isolate herself from her neighbours. Unable to bear children, she is the object of Rashid's anger. 18 years later, Rashid, takes a second wife who is even younger. Leila, the educated daughter of a teacher, has been separated from her lover.
Pregnant with his child, she sees that her only hope for survival is marriage to Rashid.
Slowly, the women forge a bond which stands them in good stead. As the violence escalates both in Kabul and in their own home, the women act to create hope for a child.
Kabul and Herat as they once were come alive. The depiction of the daily life of these women is well done. This is a heartbreaking story, set in an impossible place about women who finds ways to rise above cruelty.


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